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Swanborough House Receives ‘Good’ in CQC Inspection

4 January 2022

Group News

  • Renovo’s Swanborough House received a rating of ‘Good’ across the board in a recent CQC inspection
  • The inspector stated “Care was person-centred and promoted people’s dignity, privacy and human rights”
  • “As well as the need to keep people safe during the COVID-19 pandemic taking priority, the provider and staff had worked hard to develop good leadership”

Renovo Care Group is thrilled to announce that our Swanborough House site has received a rating of ‘Good’ across the board from the Care Quality Commission. It was stated that our 41-bed care home provided personalised care and support specific to residents needs and preferences. Residents were protected from the risks of harm, abuse or discrimination because staff know what actions to take if they identified concerns.

The inspector had this to say about the Care Home, “Residents were supported to have choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice”.

“Staff had the skills and knowledge to meet people’s needs and preferences. They received training, regular supervision and attended team meetings to support them in their roles. People’s nutritional and hydrational needs were met. There was regular involvement from health and social care professionals, who spoke positively about the support people received”.

Our CEO Peter Kinsey, had this to say about the inspection, “I am delighted that Swanborough House received such a positive CQC report. It reflects the excellent work of the staff team led by Daisy. The team are really committed to the residents that they support and the person centred culture in the home comes across strongly in the report”.

A huge congratulations to all of our staff at Swanborough House for all their hard work.

To view the report, please follow this link

Group News