Join Renovo Care’s Dr Anita Rose & Dr Jon Mamo as they discuss the journey to a ‘New Me’ following brain injury.
Following a traumatic brain injury, individuals often experience feelings of inferiority, anxiety, loss of confidence, anger, low mood, and lowered self-esteem. This is driven by the comparison of self-perceived capabilities pre- and post-injury. Such comparisons lead to the experience of “I am not me anymore” as the brain injury at a deeper level alters the sense of self and the qualities that define who they once were.
At Renovo Care we recognise the various challenges these cause both the individual and their families. We appreciate the need for a directed multi-disciplinary approach to work collaboratively with our clients by supporting them to re-engage in meaningful activities and to find meaning in their life following their brain injury.
This webinar will explore the journey leading to the “new me” after brain injury and look at how a comprehensive IDT evaluation and treatment of the “damaged sense of self” can lead to increased self-esteem, self-efficacy, and self-empowerment. All this leads to an improved quality of life for both our clients and their families.
You can view this webinar here.