At Renovo Care, we place high value on the provision of meaningful engagement for those we support across all our settings – the learning of new skills and adapting to life after an acquired brain injury is a key component of an individual’s rehabilitation. Recently we featured a blog post from one of our activities coordinators, Aimee Clark, where she discussed her role and how ‘It’s More Than Just Colouring In’
In a follow up to this, we hear from Kate how Aimee’s role has had a positive impact on her son.
“Since my son had a terrible car accident in May 2012, he has been in several hospitals and rehab centres. He was, at first, unable to participate in any type of activity but he very slowly started to respond.
At one of the rehab centres, there was a very competent member of staff who managed to engage Sam in activities, including making a Xmas Card for me and he did seem to enjoy this. Sadly, she left and wasn’t replaced which led to no activity at all.
This pushed Sam back a lot and by the time he arrived at Victoria House, he had almost become a recluse and did not want to leave his room or participate in any way or with anyone. When Aimee came to work at Victoria House she really was a breath of fresh air – full of great ideas and such a genuine warm personality. She really wanted to give all the service users the opportunity to engage in fun loving things which helped so much with their rehabilitation but above all made them happy.
Every day she asked Sam would he like to join in and every day he declined.
However, she never gave up and through her incredible attitude and competence, she eventually managed to get Sam to come out of his room and join in with coffee mornings and fetes and generally be with others.
This has been an amazing positive step forward for all our family and we cannot thank Aimee enough. She is an absolute tonic not just to the service users but to the families and l am so grateful to her. It has proven how vital having a qualified activities coordinator working in a rehabilitation centre like Victoria House is.
I am sure l speak for many when l say how thankful l am that Aimee is doing such a truly wonderful job so very well – Thank You!”